Lawn Mower Air Filter Maintenance- When To Do It

lawn mower air filter maintenance-when to do it

To serve you for a longer year, lawn mower air filter maintenance is paramount for the lawn mower to work effectively.

So lawn mower air filter maintenance-when to do it?

The mower’s air filter should be cleaned after each machine use. If the filter is an oil bath, it must be rinsed with gasoline and impregnated again with motor oil.

I usually clean my lawn mower air filter after I finish mowing. And that keeps my lawn mower working perfectly, and when there is time to replace it, I do.

To know if all lawn mower the same click here to read

How To Maintain Lawn Mower Air Filter

There are several opinions on when and how to clean the lawn mower air filter.

Below I will tell you the best practices to help prolong your lawn mower’s life span by cleaning the air filter.

The mower’s air filter should be cleaned after each machine use. If the filter is an oil bath, it must be rinsed with gasoline and impregnated again with motor oil.

In the case of a dry filter, the paper elements must be hit several times or blown with air. It will remove any dust that may be clinging to the filter.

Clean the inside of the filter housing and then reassemble it. Do you agree with my suggestion? Whether yes or no, let me explain. You must first understand the importance of an air filter in your lawn mower.

It is a piece of foam rubber attached to the carburettor, and its function is to retain possible impurities that enter the engine and clean the air that mixes with the fuel. 

As you can see, it is a fundamental part of the gasoline engine, and its correct maintenance is very important.

First, you must clean the filter by removing it and hitting it to remove as much dust as possible, and then you can wash it with a detergent. 

You let it dry and add a few drops of oil to reassemble it finally. After a couple of washes, it is best to buy a new one since it loses effectiveness after each use.  

Each time you use your lawn mower, it takes in debris, so don’t be in a hurry to clean your air filter after usage.

It gives your engine a fresh breath.

How To Put Air Filter In Lawn Mower After Maintenance Or Repair

You may see it as something common; however, you must learn the procedures to do it properly.

Follow the step listed below:

  • Do not wet clean the paper filter, but knock it out or clean it with the suction nozzle of the vacuum cleaner
  • Dirty foam filters can be washed out with hot water and washing-up liquid
  • Put the air filter in the air filter box as soon as it dries.
  • If the air filter box has a gasket, ensure the gasket is correctly fixed.
  • Put the air filter housing cover and screw it back
  • If the engine smokes when starting, the foam filter still has too much oil.
  • These are the simple steps to install an air filter in a lawn mower.

Is Lawn Mower Air Filter Gasket Necessary

You may have read many articles on this, with different opinions, but the answer is YES.

Yes, it is necessary. Your air filter gasket is crucial in your mower to have fresh breath.

Let me explain the role of a gasket so you can see its importance in your air filter.

Gaskets ensure that machined parts, when mated, achieve a perfect airtight seal.

That also saves money, i.e. machining the joining surfaces because it does not require that they be exact and because the gasket corrects the possible defects in the machining.

 From the above explanation, the air filter gasket helps to seal the gap between the air filter housing and cover so that dirt will not pass through the gap. If the gasket is not there, it will allow dirt to get in illegally.

Such dirt will contaminate your oil and affect your engine performance in the long run.

Where Is Air Filter In Mower

The location of your mower’s air filter will depend on the type of mower you have. But remember that air enters your engine through your carburettor, so your air filter will almost always be on the carburettor side of your engine.

On a small, walk-behind mower, your air filter may be a small piece of paper on your carburettor and under the engine cowl. 

Larger riding mowers may have a larger foam or air filter under a cover on their carburettor. Other mowers have a large airbox attached to the carburettor with a filter inside.

If you can’t find the location of your filter in your mower’s owner’s manual, look for the carburettor that feeds gasoline to your engine and look for your air filter nearby.

Final Thought

The post has explained how to do maintenance on lawn mower air filters. Don’t forget where the air filter is on a lawn mower.

I also mentioned the importance of an air filter gasket. The article also mentions how to fix your lawn mower air filter after replacing or cleaning it.

Click here to read the materials for lawn mower air filter.