What Are The Diesel Engine Rebuild Cost

Many of my customers frequently call me to ask what the diesel engine rebuild cost?

A 4-cylinder engine is cheaper to rebuild than a 6-cylinder engine. In a nutshell, rebuilding costs range from $2,000 to $4000. This amount is sufficient to rebuild an average engine.

When I rebuilt my engine, I spent $3000 to make it run again. However, it cost me some dollars, and I am still enjoying my engine for three years now.

Click here to read why diesel engine need starting fluid.

Please read below for details on how much to rebuild a diesel engine.

How Much Will It Cost To Rebuild A Diesel Engine

As I previously mentioned in one of my articles, rebuilding an engine is cheaper than replacing it. But several doubts have risen about this fact, and some believe replacing an engine is cheaper.

The truth is that no matter the model or make of the engine, rebuilding it is far cheaper than replacing it. If you can get a certified workshop to help you rebuild your engine, you are getting value for money.

Rebuilding an engine is as good as replacing it because the major components have been replaced. Some prefer to spend a lot of money repairing than rebuilding their engine. Constant repairing is more expensive than rebuilding.

So at what point can I rebuild my diesel engine? It is one of the most frequently asked questions regarding diesel engines.

A diesel engine is due for rebuilding every 12,000 -15,000hrs. You can use these recommended hours as the standard for your next engine rebuild.

Calculating the cost of rebuilding depends on the type of engine. For example, rebuilding a Toyota car is cheaper than rebuilding a Ford car. When it comes to the generator, it is cheaper to rebuild a Perkins generator than to rebuild a caterpillar generator.

The cost of rebuilding also depending on the size of the the engine. A 4-cylinder engine is cheaper to rebuild than a 6-cylinder engine.

In a nutshell, rebuilding costs range from $2,000 to $4000. This amount is sufficient to rebuild an average engine.

 To replace a diesel engine will cost between $4,000 to $60,000, so you can now see how cheap it is to rebuild a diesel engine than to replace a diesel engine.

A total of 100,000 miles makes an engine due for a rebuild. Gets a high-quality rebuilding kit and a qualified mechanic to get it done for you.

What Is The Process Of Rebuilding An Engine

Rebuilding an engine involves some processes. Let me break it down here.

1. Identify the components to be replaced: While rebuilding an engine, you should be able to identify the components to be replaced. All the components are not to be replaced; however, some significant components, such as piston rings, pistons, bearings, sleeve, head gasket and seal etc.

2. Cleaning: This involves cleaning the components not to be replaced. For example, valve cover, crankshaft, engine block etc

3. Purchased the faulty components: After proper cleaning, you should be able to see all damaged components so you can go to shops to buy them.

4 Assemble: The next in your agenda is to start assembling the engine by fixing the parts you bought into the engine block.

5. Starting: After assembling it, you start by connecting the batteries and fuel line.

Can You Rebuild An Engine Yourself

Rebuilding an engine is more than fixing a fault. For example, if you need to repair a radiator hose leakage.

With little knowledge, you can fix it. But you need to understand how a diesel engine works to rebuild an engine.

It would help if you were a mechanical engineer, a mechanic or familiar with the mechanical field.

If you are a novice, I don’t encourage you to rebuild your engine, but you can do some maintenance yourself.

Rebuilding an engine involves replacing some core engine components, sometimes replacing the crankshaft.

So during assembly, you have fixed the whole engine together without any major mistakes; otherwise, the engine may malfunction.

You have some challenges to face, such as engine timing, injection pump timing, bolts and nuts torque specs, governor adjustment, valve adjustment and the general principles of engines, if you cannot call a professional to rescue you.

Can You Rebuild An Engine Without Removing It

On several occasions, I have done that. I was able to rebuild my engine without removing it.

Let me share my experience with you on how I usually do that.

Having disconnected all the wires and the hoses attached to the engine head cylinder, remove the cylinder head.

Remove the sump so that you can loosen the conrods bolts.

Remove the piston and the piston rings together.

Remove the cylinder liner

Remove the radiator and the fan to replace the front oil seal

Replace the worn components

Assemble the engine back and start the engine.

What You Should Not Do When Rebuilding An Engine

It would help if you did not make certain errors when rebuilding an engine; let me mention a few.

1. Incorrect valve adjustment

2. Rings clearance too closed

3. Poor bearings clearance

4. Too much compression

4. Fluid leakages

5. incorrect engine timing

6. incorrect  injection pump timing

7. Wrong torque spec

8. Imitator parts

9. Wrong engine oil type

10. incompetent mechanic

These are the common errors you must avoid while rebuilding an engine.

When Can An Engine Not Be Rebuilt

There are certain times you don’t have to rebuild your engine.

Engine Lifespan: Every engine can run a certain number of miles before the engine expires.

However, many thoughts that rebuilding the engine could prolong its life. If your clock its lifespan mileage and started having a lot of breakdowns, don’t bother rebuilding it.

If the cost of a rebuild is equal to the cost of replacement: If the cost of rebuilding an engine is becoming excessively high, then you should think of replacement instead of rebuilding it.

If Only repair is needed: You don’t have to rebuild when you can only repair. For example, you have a radiator leak. You don’t have to rebuild for a problem that repairs can solve.

If too many significant components are damaged: Need to rebuild if the damage includes many vital components such as crankshaft, engine block, and cylinder head, etc.

At What Mileage Should An Engine Be Rebuild

Engine rebuilds can take place between 500,000- 1,000,000. You can consider an engine rebuild if you have serious engine challenges within that mileage.

However, even at this mileage, you can keep using your engine without rebuilding if a simple repair keeps your engine running.

You only consider rebuilding if the symptoms of rebuilding are too evidently affecting your engine.

How Do I Know If My Engine Is Worth Rebuilding

When you notice these 7 signs in your engine, then rebuild

1. Oil consumption: if your engine consumes too much oil, rebuild.

2. Odd Sound: If you are hearing odd noises like bearings clearance, then rebuild

3. Exhaust Smoke: if excess smoke comes from the exhaust tailpipe, rebuild.

4. Low compression: If your engine is suffering from low compression, then you should rebuild

5. Difficult to Start: if you are facing some challenges in starting your engine, then rebuild

6. Engine poor performance: if the general engine’s overall performance is poor, you must rebuild.

7. Cannot start: if your engine cannot start despite a lot of repairs, then rebuild

Can An Old Engine Be Rebuild

The answer is yes, you can rebuild an old engine. Rebuild is meant for old engines, not new engines.

A new engine may only occasionally demand repairs, but fixing an old engine requires rebuilding.

By replacing the vital but worn engine components, you are simply rebuilding the engine and turning the engine into a new one with new components.

So go and rebuild your old engine.

Final Thought

The article has undoubtedly helped you know how much it will cost you to rebuild a diesel engine.

In the article, I break down rebuilding a diesel engine.

Don’t forget the factor to determine if an engine can be rebuilt. I answer the question, can you rebuild the engine yourself.

what causes oil dilution in diesel engine? Click here to read.

How much do you spend on the last engine rebuilt?